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Watchers of the Sky End Credits

Closing Film Credits
Client: The Unofficial Man

Watchers of The Sky is an award winning documentary that weaves four stories of remarkable courage, compassion and determination together, while setting out to uncover the forgotten life of Raphael Lemkin - the man who created the word "genocide".

The design of this end title sequence was inspired by a story, as told by one of the film's central characters about the famous 16th century Astronomer 'Tyco Brahe'. The use of animated constellations set against a painted backdrop allowed for the tie in to Brahe's story as well as offer a reflective sequence where the film's main credits could live.

Watchers of The Sky received the "U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Animation" at Sundance Film Festival during it's opening screening.

Filtered by: Internal Film & Series Graphics

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